What is “Alternative Dispute Resolution,” or “ADR?”

Generally, ADR refers to any process or collection of processes established to resolve disputes without trial or violence. The term “ADR” is often used to refer to a broad category of ADR processes such as negotiation, conciliation, mediation, settlement conferences, arbitration, consensus building, and community conferencing. Often, one or more ADR processes may be appropriate for resolving certain kinds of disputes. Generally, ADR is not appropriate if someone wants to prosecute serious crime, create a legal precedent, or air an issue publicly.

What type of ADR is right for you?

Watch this short video that explains several ADR options you can use to resolve your dispute without going to court:

ADR Options Video

If you want more information about ADR options, here are some helpful sources:

Consumer’s Guide, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Services in Maryland, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO), May 2016, especially pages 4-6, 82-83.

Dispute Resolution Processes (Definitions of different types of dispute resolution processes developed by the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution)