John can provide conflict management training tailored to fit your unique needs. He has years of experience that includes:
- “Dispute Resolution and Negotiation,” Adjunct Faculty, University of Maryland Carey School of Law, teaching both in-person and on-line classes
- “Can We Talk?: Conversations Between Litigators and Mediators on Improving Client Outcomes,” Panelist, Maryland State Bar Association Legal Summit and Annual Meeting
- “Collaboration & Negotiation,” Leadership Essentials, Leadership Howard County
- “Mediation in Personal Injury Cases: What it is, What it Isn’t, and How it Can Help Your Client,” Maryland State Bar Association Mid-Year Meeting
- “Advances in Neuroscience: Your Brain in Negotiations,” for staff at a federal agency
- Conflict management training for staff and students of Howard Community College
- Conflict management training for staff at Howard County Detention Center